Shenzhen Constructs 'Ultra-Charging City' with Rapid Development of NEVs

TapTechNews on June 15th, according to CCTV Finance reported on Friday, on June 29th, 2023, Shenzhen announced the start of the construction of the "Ultra-Charging City". Up to now, there are 10,956 charging stations in Shenzhen, and 379 super-charging stations have been cumulatively built, and the number of charging guns has exceeded that of traditional fuel guns, initially building an ultra-charging service network that spreads across the whole city. Among every 3 newly registered and licensed vehicles in Shenzhen, 2 are new energy vehicles.

Shenzhen Constructs Ultra-Charging City' with Rapid Development of NEVs_0

In the first quarter of this year, the cumulative electricity consumption of charging stations in Shenzhen reached 670 million kWh, an increase of 10.9% year-on-year, equivalent to fully charging more than 12 million electric vehicles with a battery capacity of 50 kWh. Wei Huajie, the marketing and customer service department's business management manager of Shenzhen Power Supply Bureau of Southern Power Grid, said that it is expected that by 2025, the number of new energy vehicles in Shenzhen will reach 1.3 million, and it is planned to build 1,000 super-charging stations, and the charging volume of new energy vehicles is expected to reach 4.2 billion kWh.

According to the previous report of TapTechNews, as of April 30, 362 super-charging stations have been cumulatively built in Shenzhen, and the number of super-charging stations has exceeded that of traditional gas stations.

The "Special Plan for Ultra-Charging Facilities for New Energy Vehicles in Shenzhen (2023-2025)" proposes that by the end of this year, an ultra-charging facility service system with world-leading technology and diverse scene coverage will be built, promoting the "electric power charging, storage and discharging one network" power demand dispatch and interaction mechanism to become increasingly mature, and establishing the "Shenzhen Ultra-Charging" brand image; by 2025, it aims to build a world-class "Ultra-Charging City".

Related Reading:

"Shenzhen Has Built 362 Automobile Super-Charging Stations, Exceeding the Number of Gas Stations"
