Observation of Gliese-12b with TESS

TapTechNews May 24th news, astronomers used the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) to observe the Gliese-12b planet, whose volume is between that of the Earth and Venus. It is about 40 light-years away from the Earth, and based on relevant data, it may be an exoplanet similar to the Earth.

Observation of Gliese-12b with TESS_0

The research team led by Associate Professor Masayuki Kuzuhara of the Tokyo Center for Astrobiology and Associate Professor Akihiko Fukui of the University of Tokyo observed this exoplanet using TESS. The team said: Although we still don't know whether it has an atmosphere, we always regarded it as an exo-Venus, and its size and energy received from the star are similar to those of the planetary neighbors in the solar system.

Observation of Gliese-12b with TESS_1

Gliese-12b orbits the Gliese-12 star and completes one revolution every 12.8 days. It is about the size of the Earth and even slightly smaller than Venus. Assuming it has no atmosphere, the surface temperature of this planet is estimated to be about 107 degrees Fahrenheit (42 degrees Celsius). TapTechNews attaches the relevant video as follows:

And Gliese-12 is a cold red giant located in Pisces, about 40 light-years away from the Earth. The size of this star is only 27% of that of the Sun, and its surface temperature is only 60% of that of the Sun.

Observation of Gliese-12b with TESS_2
