Great Wall Motors' Chairman Wei Jianjun on Interaction with Xiaomi

TapTechNews August 6th news, the official of Great Wall Motors released an interview video of Chairman Wei Jianjun and the CEO of Sina Finance Deng Qingxu today. The official said that Wei Jianjun is very willing to promote and learn from each other with Xiaomi.

Great Wall Motors Chairman Wei Jianjun on Interaction with Xiaomi_0

Deng Qingxu asked Wei Jianjun: How many points would you give Lei Jun?

Wei Jianjun said: I think, as for the car, it should be counted in three years. If counted in three years, it should be above 95 points.

TapTechNews attached the interview content of Wei Jianjun:

Lei Jun asked me to come to the launch event, can you come?

I'm very happy, and I also go to learn. (Xiaomi SU7) is made very delicately, and the ecosystem of Xiaomi is very good.

We exchanged a car. Our (Tank) 700, and he gave me a (Xiaomi) SU7. Lei Jun was quite embarrassed. Look, yours is expensive and mine is cheap. I said let's not talk about this. Our company is not short of this hundred thousand or eighty thousand.

When I came back, I really seriously looked at how they made this car. In three years, Lei Jun has come to our place twice to learn and communicate, and we are all very honest.

Wei Jianjun had previously conducted a dynamic test on the Xiaomi SU7, and he said that the NVH (noise, vibration, comfort), smoothness, and road feel of the Xiaomi SU7 have all reached a high level. After more than two hours of subjective evaluation, it is such a very comprehensively balanced product. Of course, this car is also worthy of our Great Wall Motors' research and learning.
