AmpereComputing Updates 2024 Roadmap with Next-Gen 256-Core Processor and AI Advances

TapTechNews May 17th news, Arm architecture server processor design company AmpereComputing Ampere Semiconductor has recently updated its 2024 annual strategy and product roadmap, confirming the arrival of the next-generation 256-core processor next year.

TapTechNews found out that the most powerful product of AmpereComputing at present is the 192-core AmpereOne processor launched last May, which adopts an 8-channel DDR5 memory platform and is based on TSMC's 5nm process, with a TDP of up to 400 watts.

AmpereComputing plans to launch a new-generation 12-channel DDR5 memory platform within this year and introduce a new version of the 192-core AmpereOne processor that is compatible with the new platform.

The new 12-memory-channel platform is compatible with the existing cooling solution and will welcome another processor update next year:

The next-generation product will be based on TSMC's 3nm process, and the number of cores will reach 256. AmpereComputing claims that the new product to be launched next year will have a performance that is 40% ahead of the processors on the market today.

In addition to hardware product updates, AmpereComputing also demonstrated several progress in the AI field.

This company stated that the Oracle Cloud cloud instance based on the company's processor has excellent energy efficiency on the Meta Llama3 model:

The pure CPU solution based on the 128-core AmpereAltra processor can provide the same performance as the NVIDIA A10 GPU, and at the same time, the power consumption is only one-third of the sum of the power of the competitor's GPU and the platform CPU.

In addition, AmpereComputing Ampere Semiconductor also announced a cooperation with Qualcomm to launch an AI solution based on its processor and Qualcomm CloudAI100Ultra cloud inference accelerator card.
