Youku SVIP Membership Causes Controversy

TapTechNews June 17th news, today the topic Youku opened VIP but also needed to open SVIP has caused a hot discussion on Weibo. As of the TapTechNews press release, the relevant topic topped the Weibo hot search list with a reading volume of 30.008 million.

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TapTechNews learned that today there are bloggers complaining on Weibo that now the Youku membership has evolved. After opening the VIP, it still needs to open the SVIP, and it's just cutting the original VIP functions and raising it hard. The relevant blog posts got intense discussions among users in the comment area. Some users think it's disgusting, but there are also bloggers rebutting it's not much money. If you can't afford it, don't watch it.

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TapTechNews queried the Youku official website and learned that the monthly VIP membership of Youku is $3.75 (continuous monthly subscription of $1.50), three months of $10.20, half a year of $20.70, and the annual card of $38.70. Applicable to mobile phone/tablet/computer platform (limited to 3 devices), mainly has the privileges of personalized bullet screen, accelerated caching, skip pre-roll ads, 1080P quality, call for the star, life package, noble logo, viewing coupon, offline activities, entertainment package.

And the monthly SVIP membership of Youku is $5.25 (the first three months of continuous monthly subscription are $1.20), three months of $14.70, half a year of $22.20, and the annual card of $73.20. Applicable to mobile phone/tablet/computer/TV (limited to 8 devices / no more than 3 devices simultaneously online at each end), compared to the VIP membership, it mainly adds two privileges of watch VIP episodes in advance and watch SVIP theater for free.

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Can you accept the paid video membership?

