Jiyue Motors Teases New ADS Feature, Netizens Speculate on 100, 518, and ASD

TapTechNews May 13th news, Jiyue Motors today released a teaser for new features, with three sets of characters released in the video: 100, 518, and ASD.

The official did not interpret the three sets of characters, and netizens in the comments section have speculated. TapTechNews has compiled the current concentrated views as follows:

ASD may be a new intelligent driving function to be launched by Jiyue;

518 is a date, namely May 18th;

There are various interpretations of 100, with some netizens thinking it refers to 1 million kilometers in mileage, while others think it is 100 cities.

Currently, Jiyue's official website sells the Jiyue 01 model, which adopts a pure visual intelligent driving solution; the official announced at the 2024 Beijing Auto Show that the Jiyue 07 car will also be equipped with a pure visual advanced intelligent driving technology. The upcoming ADS function teaser is expected to bring upgrades to Jiyue's models with pure visual intelligent driving.
