Xiaomi App Store Updates Requirements for App Filing and Display

According to TapTechNews on May 27th, the Xiaomi App Store released a notice today. In order to better protect users' privacy rights and interests and enhance the user experience, based on the Notice on Carrying out the Filing Work of Mobile Internet Application Programs (hereinafter referred to as the Notice) by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Xiaomi App Store has added relevant requirements for displaying the App filing number to users within the application on the basis of the App's fulfillment of App filing.

This standard update is as follows: The App filing number needs to be displayed in a prominent position within the application and support that the filing number can be clicked to jump to the filing system for users to query. In order to facilitate developers' understanding of the display requirements of the App filing number within the application, the Xiaomi App Store will announce the relevant display guide in early June for developers' reference.

This standard was released on May 27, 2024, with a publicity period of 30 days, and will officially take effect and be implemented on June 27, 2024.

According to TapTechNews' previous report, the Notice was released in August 2023, and the Notice reserved 10 months as a transition period for the App filing work.

From September 2023 to the end of March 2024, Apps that carried out business before the release of the Notice fulfilled the filing procedures with the provincial communication administration bureau where their domiciles are located. From April 2024 to the end of June 2024, the telecommunications authority will organize supervision and inspection of the App filing situation, and deal with Apps that still have not fulfilled the filing procedures according to law.

Apps that intend to carry out business after the release of the Notice should fulfill the filing procedures before carrying out business.

Since March 2024, the vivo App Store has gradually cleaned up more than 7,000 unfiled applications.
