Capcom's Game Pricing Strategy Wait and Get Big Discounts

TapTechNews June 11th news. Don't want to spend $70 on a new game? Capcom says, wait patiently for five years and you can buy these games for just $5.

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In the recent earnings Q&A session, Capcom outlined its basic strategy for new game pricing, which includes significantly reducing the price to $10 or $5 after five years from the release, and the company intends to maximize sales and profits within five years after the game's release.

Although it's just a general framework, our basic pricing strategy is that the initial game price is about $60 (TapTechNews note: currently about 435 Chinese yuan), and then gradually reduces the price according to the market value over time. Capcom explained. After about five years, we will usually reduce the game price to $10, and then to $5 (currently about 36 Chinese yuan).

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Capcom said that they had a price reduction promotion for Monster Hunter: World last year, and the price was only $9.99. This price reduction was carried out simultaneously with the release of Monster Hunter: Wilderness, resulting in a significant increase in the sales of this popular masterpiece, which has now exceeded 25 million copies.

However, looking at Capcom's game list on the Steam platform reveals a slightly different situation. For example, for the two games Resident Evil 7 and Dead Rising 4, which have both been released for more than seven years, their prices are not $10 or $5. However, both of these games often participate in platform promotional activities. Therefore, the price reduction mentioned by Capcom may refer to promotional discounts rather than permanent reductions.

Anyway, as long as you wait patiently, you can buy a game that was originally priced at $70 or $60 for a super low price.
