CDKGlobal Hacker Attack on US Car Dealers

TapTechNews, Jun 20th. According to the CBSNEWS report on the 19th local time, the major supplier CDKGlobal that provides software for American car dealers has recently suffered a hacker attack, resulting in the temporary shutdown of most of its systems (IT systems, telephone systems, applications).

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The most direct consequence of this incident is that about 15,000 car dealers cannot conduct sales business. For example, General Motors dealers rely on CDK's systems, and the automotive retail company Group1Automotive, which has hundreds of dealers across the United States, is also struggling.

Some employees complained on the forum that they had nothing to do or were forced to return to the era of paper and pen, and some dealers even directly let their employees go home and rest.

Some dealers seem to have come up with a way to continue to conduct business during the outage. Dealer employees posted outage information on Reddit on Wednesday, saying that they rely on spreadsheets and sticky notes to sell small parts and conduct repairs, but cannot conduct any large transactions.

CDK spokesman told CBS, We are actively investigating a cyber incident. Out of caution and concern for our customers, we have shut down most systems and are working hard to restore everything to operation as quickly as possible.

On Thursday local time, CDK announced that some systems have resumed operation after testing and consultation with third-party experts.

TapTechNews learned that CDK also touts on its official website that it has strong cyber security capabilities - The CDK Cyber Security Solution provides a three-level cyber security strategy to prevent, protect and respond to cyber attacks to protect your dealer business.

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