Pinduoduo Updates Store Naming Rules, Revenue and Profit Increase Significantly

TapTechNews August 15th news, according to E-commerce Daily report, Pinduoduo has recently changed the store naming information rules, The latest rules will officially take effect on August 20th. Compared with the previous version, this version has added naming rule restrictions, and the restrictions on cross-border shopping stores are more stringent.

According to the latest naming rules, in certain circumstances, The platform has the right to release the store name that the merchant has already approved, which means that the merchant's store name will be automatically generated by the system with a new store name, and the original approved store name of the merchant can be applied for use by other merchants.

At the same time, when the merchant uses the variant or derivative words of the brand, including misspelled words, pinyin, special symbols, etc. in naming the store, it will also be regarded as a violation.

The new version of the rules also specifically emphasizes that if a cross-border shopping store publishes and sells some or all non-imported goods in actual operation, The platform has the right to cancel the import words in its store name and other store descriptions and manage the store as a domestic ordinary store.

Previously, it was reported that Pinduoduo put GMV (Gross Merchandise Volume) in the first priority, considered replicating the business experience of Temu to the domestic business, and tried the fully managed model in some categories, that is, the merchant is responsible for supplying goods, and the platform determines the retail price to achieve lower prices more extremely.

TapTechNews inquiries found that Pinduoduo's revenue in the first quarter of 2024 was 86.81 billion yuan, estimated at 76.86 billion yuan, an increase of 131% year-on-year; the net profit attributable to common shareholders of Pinduoduo was 27.9978 billion yuan, an increase of 246% year-on-year; not in accordance with US GAAP, the net profit attributable to common shareholders of Pinduoduo was 30.6018 billion yuan, an increase of 202% year-on-year.
