How to Crack Forgotten Excel Worksheet Password Easily in the US

An Excel worksheet has a set protection password, and over time, the password is forgotten. Without remembering the worksheet password, operations such as editing and copying cannot be performed. Is there any way to crack it? Of course there is. Today, Teacher Xiaowang is here to share a trick with everyone. Let's take a look!

Clear Worksheet Password

1. We first select the table, then right-click - rename, and change the .xlsx table file suffix to .zip or .rar compressed package suffix. (This method is applicable to.xlsx suffix files).

2. Double-click to open the compressed package file, enter xl under worksheets, find the worksheet that you need to clear the password here, double-click to open, and set the open method as Notepad.

3. Use the shortcut key Ctrl+F to open the find function, enter protect to find, delete the < > brackets and all the content in the brackets where protect is located, and then save and confirm.

Delete the following paragraph.

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4. Rename the compressed package again and change the suffix back.

5. Finally, let's open the table and see. Now the worksheet password has been cleared by us, and we can make any changes freely, and there will be no pop-up prompts.

This article comes from WeChat public account: Word Technology Alliance (ID: Wordlm123), author: Wang Wangqi
