#malicious software#

KT Corp. Implanted Malicious Software in Users' Computers in Korea

A Korean telecom giant, KT Corp., deliberately put malicious software into users' comps. The incident involves Webhard & legal disputes. Police are investigating.

Network Security Research on Chrome Extensions

Report on problem extensions in Chrome and their impact. 346M users affected, with details on violations and vulnerabilities.

Europol Launches Major Operation Against Malicious Software, Arrests 4

Europol announces a major operation, issues 10 arrest warrants and arrests 4. Deals a blow to cybercrime with disrupted botnets. Multi-country effort led by Germany, France and the Netherlands.

25-year-old Japanese man arrested for creating malicious software with AI

A 25-year-old man in Japan was arrested for using free generative AI tools to create malicious software, with few such cases. He pleaded guilty and learned through online tutorials. Police suspected him after another case.

Windows Version of Arc Browser Attracts Hackers to Distribute Malicious Software

On April 30th, the Windows version of Arc browser was released. Hackers are distributing malicious software via Google Search ads. MEGA API is misused. An information stealer may be involved. TapTechNews reports.

Malicious software on Apple macOS systems

Report on the dominance of malicious software targeting Apple macOS and related issues.