IDC Report Global AR/VR Headset Shipments Decline, Future Outlook

The IDC released data on the decline in global AR/VR headset shipments, with details on new categories, market share, and future predictions. Less than 150 characters.

IDC China's Wearable Device Market in Q1 2024 Grows Rapidly

IDC report shows the growth of China's wearable device market in Q1 2024, with details on different types and global comparison.

Global Large-Size Display Panel Shipments in April 2024

The report on the significant decrease in global large-size display panel shipments in April 2024 and its implications.

IDC Forecasts Huge Growth for AIPC in China by 2028

IDC predicts significant growth for AIPC in China by 2028, with details on market share and shipments. Read more here.

OPPO to Fully Popularize AI Mobile Phones

OPPO announces plans to popularize AI phones, cooperates with Google, and more.

IDC Report Global PC Market Outlook in 2024

IDC report shows the global PC market remains stable in 2024, with details on education and home markets and the rise of AIPC.

India PC Market Sees Growth in 2024 Q1

The latest data from IDC shows growth in India's PC market in the first quarter of 2024, with key insights on top manufacturers such as HP, Dell, Acer, Lenovo, and Asus.

Samsung's Smartphone Shipments Nearly 3 Billion Units in the Past Decade, Outpacing Apple by 700 Million Units

AltIndex analysis based on IDC data shows that Samsung's smartphone shipments nearly reached 3 billion units in the past decade, exceeding Apple by 700 million units, with a 33% increase in market share. Learn more about the competition between the two tech giants.