Honor to Launch New AIPC with Disruptive Functions

Honor's new AIPC to have disruptive functions and innovations, expected to be released with other new products. TapTechNews to follow. Less than 150 characters.

IDC Forecasts Huge Growth for AIPC in China by 2028

IDC predicts significant growth for AIPC in China by 2028, with details on market share and shipments. Read more here.

CCL Prices Rise Due to Multiple Factors in the Tech Industry

The price of raw material CCL for mid-to-low-end printed circuit boards has gone up. Kuo Ming-chi details the reasons and impacts. Learn more here.

IDC Report Global PC Market Outlook in 2024

IDC report shows the global PC market remains stable in 2024, with details on education and home markets and the rise of AIPC.

Microsoft's Vision for AIPC and Copilot+PCs

Microsoft elaborates on AIPC future, introduces Copilot+PCs with specific requirements and partners, outperforming MacBook Air.