Taobao Adjusts App Homepage for Users' Individual Preferences

Thank you for the clue from TapTechNews user Xichuangjiushi! TapTechNews reported on May 13 that Taobao has adjusted its app homepage, changing from the previous fixed three major channels of Taobao Live, Taobao Good Price, and Taobao Grocery Shopping to two major channels of Taobao Live and Billion Subsidies, while reducing the area occupied on the homepage. The icons below the search bar, such as Tmall International and 88VIP, have also been adjusted from two columns to one column. The space reduced by the two adjustments has been left for product waterfall flow recommendations, with most of the recommended products related to the user's search history. According to the Beijing Business Daily, an insider from Taobao said that the Taobao app homepage now dynamically adjusts according to the user's daily usage habits, user location, and other factors to improve the accuracy of the Taobao homepage matching with the user, resulting in different users having different Taobao homepages. Some location-based services, such as 'Taobao Grocery Shopping', the factors affecting whether it appears on the Taobao homepage include whether there is corresponding service capability in the user's area and the user's frequency of use. Users who frequently use the function will not be significantly affected. An insider from Taobao said, for example, a user still has Taobao Grocery Shopping and Taobao Good Price on the homepage because they use offline commercial delivery services more and browse high cost-effective products, so the homepage remains. Taobao also previously upgraded its web version. According to previous reports from TapTechNews, the new upgrade keeps the user logged in for a longer time, optimizes various products such as homepage search and shopping cart for Washington time, shopping cart can finally display the post-coupon price, coupon collection and purchase and discount details display, the store has optimized many problems that cannot be viewed on the store's PC decoration, the product details have been optimized for automatic discount collection, My Taobao has added invoice management, and performance issues with web loading have been optimized.
