Alibaba Cloud Launches First

TapTechNews June 21 - At today's Alibaba Cloud Shanghai AI Summit, Alibaba Cloud launched its first AI Programmer, possessing skills of positions such as architect, development engineer, test engineer, and capable of completing the entire process of task decomposition, code writing, testing, problem fixing, and code submission, claiming to complete application development in the fastest minute-level.

It is introduced that this AI Programmer is a multi-agent based on the Tongyi large model, including different sections such as task decomposition, coding, and testing, which is different from the Tongyi Code Spark.

After receiving user requirements, the AI Programmer can realize the one-stop of software development: understanding the requirements - splitting tasks - writing code - identifying and resolving errors - submitting code.

According to a previous report by TapTechNews, Alibaba Cloud launched the AI programming tool Tongyi Code Spark last November, which is compatible with mainstream IDEs such as Visual Studio Code and JetBrains IDEs; and supports mainstream programming languages such as Java, Python, Go, C/C++, JavaScript, TypeScript, PHP, Ruby, Rust, Scala, etc.

In addition, Alibaba Cloud is comprehensively promoting AI programming internally, using Tongyi Code Spark to assist programmers in writing code, reading code, finding bugs, optimizing code, etc. Alibaba Cloud has also specifically assigned a formal employee number - AI001 - to Tongyi Code Spark. According to people related to Alibaba Cloud: The company's 20% of future code will be written by Tongyi Code Spark, but programmers are still the core of R & D, and they will have more time to focus on system design and core business development work.

Related Readings:

Alibaba Cloud Comprehensively Promotes AI to Write Code, 20% of Future Code to Be Written by Tongyi Code Spark.

Alibaba Cloud Launches the Tongyi Code Spark AI Programming Tool, Supporting Mainstream IDEs Such as VSCode and JetBrains.
