Bethesda Submits New Trademark 'Motor Powered by idTech'

TapTechNews June 21 news, the source @Bogorad222 tweeted on the X platform, revealing that Bethesda had submitted a new trademark on June 18, called Motor Powered by idTech.

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TapTechNews note: id-Tech is the proprietary game engine of idSoftware. Previously, there was news that the studio had recently switched to id-Tech 8. The 2020 release of Doom Eternal was developed on idSofware's id-Tech 7.

There are currently no more details about the new Motor trademark, but fans have already guessed that the trademark is likely to be related to a new game of Rage, or it may be related to a new derivative engine of id-Tech.

Bethesda Submits New Trademark Motor Powered by idTech'_1

Microsoft and Bethesda announced Doom: Dark Ages this month, and it is not yet clear what engine the game will use.
