Anhui Company Develops World's First Commercially Available Potassium-Ion Battery Product for Two-Wheel Electric Vehicles

TapTechNews July 8th news. TapTechNews learned from the official WeChat public account of 'Anhui Release' that Anhui Guoxin New Materials Co., Ltd. announced on the 6th that the company has recently successfully developed the world's first commercially available potassium-ion battery product - the potassium-ion battery pack for two-wheel electric vehicles and the potassium-ion energy storage system 'Potassium Energy No. 1'.

This product is developed by Anhui Guoxin New Materials through industry-university-research cooperation with the chief professor of the State Key Laboratory of New Materials Technology of Wuhan University of Technology and the team led by Professor Mai Liqiang, the vice president of Wuhan University of Technology, based on the multi-scale regulation technology of electron/ion dual continuous transport energy storage materials and devices invented by the team.

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The energy density of its battery cell is 151 watt-hours per kilogram, and the cruising range under full charge can reach 130-150 kilometers, and the cruising level is about 3 times higher than that of the currently commonly used lead-acid batteries. But the production cost of the two is basically the same, and potassium-ion batteries are expected to gradually replace the lead-acid batteries for two-wheel electric vehicles in the future.

Compared with lead-acid batteries, potassium-ion batteries have the advantages of high energy density, high energy efficiency, and long cycle life, and most of the chemical components used are non-toxic and recyclable, so the pollution to the environment after'retirement' and recycling is also lower. According to Qin Guang, the chairman of Guoxin New Materials, the potassium-ion battery pack has already carried out road test evaluations on two electric bicycles, Yadi and Lvjia, and the current user feedback data are relatively good. It is expected that by the end of this year, the mass production of key electrode materials, battery cells, and energy storage systems of potassium-ion batteries can be achieved.

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