Mozilla's Firefox Adds Device Login Feature for Password Manager

TapTechNews June 15th news, Mozilla's Firefox browser finally supports users to log in with their devices (including passwords, fingerprints, PINs or other biometric technologies) to further protect the password manager in the browser.

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Like other mainstream browsers such as Chrome, the Firefox browser has a built-in password manager that can create a unique password for each website the user accesses and then store it in the browser for easier login operations later.

The Google Chromium browser (such as Google Chrome, Brave and Microsoft Edge) has long included a feature that prevents anyone with local device access from viewing saved credentials or filling out login forms.

For example, when attempting to do this on a Windows system, the browser opens an operating system authentication prompt that requires the user to log in before being able to access the credentials.

With the release of Firefox 127, Mozilla has finally added a similar feature in the browser.

Firefox 127 writes in the update log: In order to increase the protection on the macOS and Windows platforms, users can set that when accessing and filling in the passwords stored in the about:logins page of the FirefoxPasswordManager, device login (such as enabling operating system passwords, fingerprints, face or voice login) is required for authentication.

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TapTechNews note that this new feature does not prevent malware from stealing information but prevents someone from accessing the device physically or remotely and using the stored credentials without authenticating the device first.

In order to further ensure the security of the Firefox password manager, Mozilla recommends setting a master password to encrypt the password database.

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