openSUSE Leap 15.6 Officially Released with New Features

TapTechNews June 13th news, the openSUSE Leap 15.6 distribution was officially released today, synchronously following SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 Service Pack 6. Added Cockpit network management software, and the kernel was upgraded to Linux 6.4.

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The openSUSE Leap 15.6 enhanced the management system and containers by integrating the new Cockpit package manager. Users can get a web-based system management interface and use this package for other advanced operations.

The openSUSE Leap 15.6 distribution has also updated a lot of software. TapTechNews attaches the relevant content as follows:

Podman 4.8

Xen 4.18

KVM 8.2.2

libvirt 10.0

OpenSSL 3.1 (default)

Redis 7.2

PostgreSQL 16

MariaDB 10.11.6

For the desktop, the KDE Plasma desktop environment is used by default, with its version being Plasma 5.27.11, Qt 5.15.12 and KDEFrameworks 5.115. Users can also switch to use GNOME 45.

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