The Return of 'FlappyBird' in 2024 but with a Twist Web3 and Cryptocurrency Involved

TapTechNews September 14th news, the once globally popular mobile game FlappyBird, after being taken off the shelf for 10 years, is expected to make a comeback in 2024.

This news has certainly aroused the interest of many players, but there are also many people who are skeptical, and more evidence suggests that this comeback is not pure.

Cyber security researcher Varun Biniwale found some hidden pages on the FlappyBird website, which mentioned Web3, microtransactions, and the cryptocurrency Solana extensively.

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Biniwale also discovered a playable version of FlappyBird, and its leaderboard is full of cryptocurrency-based usernames. This playable version mentions a token named $FLAP.

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The Return of FlappyBird' in 2024 but with a Twist Web3 and Cryptocurrency Involved_3

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The Return of FlappyBird' in 2024 but with a Twist Web3 and Cryptocurrency Involved_5

Introduction of FlappyBird

FlappyBird was launched on May 24, 2013, and suddenly became popular in February 2014.

However, soon after, the Vietnamese developer of the game, Dong Nguyen, suddenly decided to take the game off the AppStore and Google PlayStore. According to him, the reason was that he thought the game was too addictive and he didn't like the excessive attention brought by the popularity of the game.

He once said: I can call FlappyBird my success, but it also ruined my simple life, so now I hate it.

Trademark situation

TapTechNews quoted Inverse reporting that GametechHoldings applied to take over the FlappyBird trademark in September 2023. The company advocated giving up the trademark and pointed out that Nguyen had publicly stated that he would no longer continue to develop this game.

Subsequently, GametechHoldings sold the trademark to the FlappyBird Foundation, and the person in charge of the foundation is the game designer Michael Roberts.

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Roberts is the head of the 1208 production studio, which claims to be a pioneer in the Web3 field. In addition, the company also has its own NFT brand named Deez.

So for players who are expecting the return of FlappyBird, don't have too high expectations. This game has already changed its flavor and seems to have gone on the path of cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

Related reading:

After being taken off the shelf for 10 years, the once globally popular game FlappyBird is about to return.
