All Administrative Villages in Henan Province Have Achieved 5G Network Access

TapTechNews June 21 - According to the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, in the first quarter of 2024, all 45,000 administrative villages in Henan Province have achieved 5G network access, completing the goals of the 14th Five-Year Plan ahead of schedule.

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Recently, the Henan Provincial Communications Administration organized the province's information and communication industry to carry out a review of the mobile network signal coverage situation in administrative villages. After confirmation, all of the province's 45,499 administrative villages have 5G network access, with a 100% 5G accessibility rate in administrative villages, and have been lit up on the telecommunications universal service management support platform of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, ranking among the top in the country.

TapTechNews learned from the announcement that since 2019, the Henan Provincial Communications Administration has organized to accelerate the construction of new information infrastructure, coordinated the integrated construction of information and communication networks in county-level urban and rural areas, and focused on building an important information and communication hub and information distribution center in the country. Up to now, the province's cumulative investment in 5G networks has reached 45.67 billion US dollars (about 321.69 billion Chinese yuan), and the total number of 5G base stations has cumulatively reached 199,700, ranking in the first echelon in the country.

In the next step, the Henan Provincial Communications Administration will further implement the digital transformation strategy and plans to reach 216,000 5G base stations by the end of 2024. consolidate and enhance the status of the information and communication hub and information distribution center.
