Sony (China) Launches Free Firmware Upgrade for ILME-FX6

TapTechNews May 28th news, recently, Sony (China) Co., Ltd. has launched a free firmware upgrade for the professional full-frame camera ILME-FX6, and users can download the latest firmware Ver. 5.00 version through the official website.

Sony (China) Launches Free Firmware Upgrade for ILME-FX6_0

The specific updates of this ILME-FX6 firmware upgrade are as follows:

Supports a new preset 709tone.

Increased the setting of the anti-squeeze display function by 1.5 times.

Sony (China) Launches Free Firmware Upgrade for ILME-FX6_1

Supports the Monitor & Control application version 2.0.0.

Sony (China) Launches Free Firmware Upgrade for ILME-FX6_2

Supports multi-zone color matrix area indication.

Integrated high-quality 3DLUT processing.

Supports SDI output 23.98 PsF (Note: PsF stands for Progressive Segmented Frame).

Expansion of lenses supported by breathing compensation.

Breathing compensation data has been saved to the file.

Sony (China) Launches Free Firmware Upgrade for ILME-FX6_3

Increased the tracking AF pointer.

Optimization of the status menu and expansion of the touch setting function.

Disabled S & Q during proxy recording.

Optimized the factory reset setting.

TapTechNews attached firmware download address:
