OpenAI's ChatGPT for Mac Now Available to All Users

On June 26th, TapTechNews reported that OpenAI announced that its first ChatGPT chatting robot application suitable for Mac is officially open for download to all users. In the previous month, this application had been in the testing phase and was only available to Plus paying subscribers.

OpenAIs ChatGPT for Mac Now Available to All Users_0

OpenAI said that the Mac application of ChatGPT is designed to seamlessly integrate with users' daily operations. It natively supports the Mac system and provides a convenient shortcut key (Command+Spacebar) allowing users to start the application anytime and anywhere. Users can easily interact with the chat robot and can choose to attach files, photos, and screenshots to their messages for ChatGPT to use these materials for understanding and creation.

TapTechNews noticed that the application also supports the voice mode, and users can communicate with ChatGPT using their voices. OpenAI said that a new voice mode version supporting the GPT-4o function will be provided to Mac users in the next few weeks.

The ChatGPT desktop application has now landed on the OpenAI official website and is available for free download to all Mac users. ChatGPT Plus paying subscribers can log in to their accounts to enjoy more comprehensive functions.
