Apple Releases iOS18Beta2 with RCS Feature in the U.S.

TapTechNews June 26th news, Apple released the iOS18Beta2 update yesterday, adding RCS-related setting options that weren't effective yet. Then today, based on feedback from multiple iPhone users, Apple has enabled this function in the U.S.

 Apple Releases iOS18Beta2 with RCS Feature in the U.S._0

The iOS18Beta2 released yesterday added RCS-related options in the settings, and users can switch to enable RCS messaging support, but it didn't take effect after the users switched yesterday, and RCS messages couldn't be displayed normally.

And according to the feedback from multiple iPhone users, using the networks of several U.S. telecom operators including AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon, RCS messages can already be sent to Android users. SMS based on RCS instead of SMS/MMS will be indicated by RCS label.

 Apple Releases iOS18Beta2 with RCS Feature in the U.S._1

RCS, or Rich Communication Services, allows iPhone and Android users to exchange higher-quality photos and videos, audio information, and larger file sizes. In addition, it also supports functions such as read receipts and real-time typing indicators. TapTechNews attaches the full list of this function as follows:

Support for higher-resolution photos and videos

Support for sharing larger files

Audio information

Cross-platform emoji reactions

Real-time input indicator

Read receipt

Can send messages via mobile phone or Wi-Fi (SMS can only be sent via mobile phone). Sending RCS information via Wi-Fi is free of charge.

Improved group chat.

Apple iOS18Beta2 has the RCS option turned on by default and will be launched to the public this autumn, while RCS is called 5G messaging domestically. TapTechNews queries Weibo and has not found any domestic user feedback for the time being.

Last July 19th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the Notice on Strengthening the Terminal-Network Synergy to Assist the Scale Development of 5G Messages (draft for comments), which intends to stipulate that new 5G mobile phones applying for network access permission are required to support 5G messages.

5G Messages is a rich media information service based on mobile communication networks and involves the basic telecommunication business of cellular mobile communication. Promoting the innovative development and large-scale application of 5G messages is of great significance for enriching 5G application scenarios and service supply and promoting the high-quality development of the digital economy.

Users of TapTechNews iPhones who have already upgraded to iOS18 are welcome to leave feedback to let us know if they have also initially supported 5G Messages and can send messages with Android phones.

Related Readings:

Meeting the 5G Messages Demand, New File Confirms Apple iPhone Supports Version 2.4 of RCS Standard

China's Newly-Entered Network Mobile Phones Required to Support 5G Messages, Rumor Says Apple Will Introduce RCS Message Standard for iMessage
