China's 22,000-Feet High-Altitude Hot Air Balloon Manned Flight Mission Starts in Beijing

TapTechNews September 19th news, according to CCTV News, yesterday, the national scientific experiment project jointly organized and implemented by the Suzhou Automotive Research Institute of Tsinghua University and the Air Radio Model Sports Management Center of the General Administration of Sport of China - the 22,000 feet (about 6706 meters) high-altitude hot air balloon manned experimental flight mission was launched in Beijing.

Chinas 22,000-Feet High-Altitude Hot Air Balloon Manned Flight Mission Starts in Beijing_0

The goal of this mission is to break the hot air balloon flight height of 21,027 feet (about 6409 meters) created by an Indian pilot in 2005 and reach a new world record of 22,000 feet (about 6706 meters). This flight will use a non-closed cabin, and the flight crew will fully experience extremely cold, low pressure, and low oxygen extreme environments, which is a great challenge to the physiological function and psychological limit of the pilots.

It is understood that the flight crew will implement advanced scientific payload high-altitude scientific experiments and technical tests for the first time, and accumulate extremely important environmental data and flight capabilities in the overhead environment for China in meteorology, astronomy, remote sensing, communication, energy, human factors engineering and other aspects.

TapTechNews found out through publicly available information that the Suzhou Automotive Research Institute of Tsinghua University was established in 2011 and is the first specialized dispatched research institute of Tsinghua University facing industrial applications, and it is also a comprehensive automotive industry research institute jointly built by Tsinghua University and the Suzhou Municipal Government.
