YouTube Starts Testing New Feature of Video Annotation

TapTechNews on June 19th, local time on Monday, the video website YouTube announced the start of testing a new feature: Users can add annotations to videos on the platform to provide relevant and easy-to-understand background information.

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YouTube introduced in an official blog post that through annotations, users can tell other users other information related to the video - such as detailing the release date of a new product, the specific occurrence time of a old news clip (TapTechNews note: The official claims that this measure can prevent old news from being misclassified as news for description).

This feature is similar to the Community Notes on X (Twitter), which can supplement more information for a certain tweet, or provide relevant external links, or conduct fact-checking for the news events involved in the tweet.

YouTube said that during the testing phase before this feature is widely promoted, a certain number of qualified contributors will be invited to write annotations for videos. In order for users to obtain the qualification to participate in the test, they must meet the following requirements:

Register an account 6 months ago or earlier.

Have no violations of community rules in the past year.

Your own account is not supervised by an organization (such as a business/school).

The account must be located in the US and the language is set to English.

Users participating in the test will be displayed in the annotations in anonymous form. In addition, as the test progresses further, users who write annotations can also rate the annotations.
