Baidu Tieba's Response to Reports of Illegal 'Giving Away Children' Contents

TapTechNews July 3rd news, regarding the media reports that there are relevant illegal contents of giving away children in Baidu Tieba, Baidu Tieba stated that it attaches great importance to and continuously conducts content cleaning and blocking, and at the same time joins hands with relevant departments to resolutely combat.

According to TapTechNews' previous report, the anti-trafficking volunteer @Shangguan Zhengyi once posted on Weibo that there has long been public trading of children (reserving children) in the name of giving away children in Baidu Tieba, and there are also brokers of birth certificates looking for customers here to provide identity laundering services for trading children. Baidu Tieba officials had responded at that time, indicating that it will hand over evidence to the public security organs for verification and crackdown.

Baidu Tiebas Response to Reports of Illegal 'Giving Away Children' Contents_0

The official response this time stated that it has established a special rectification project, draw inferences about other cases and focus on investigating relevant contents such as pregnant mothers and newborns, closing 15 suspected illegal problem bars including Generation Bar; especially upgrading the recognition technology for implicit illegal information of metaphor and code types, and patrolling the relevant communities around the clock.

Since May, Baidu Tieba has cleaned and blocked 2500 related contents, permanently banned 410 suspected illegal users, and transferred clues to the relevant departments for investigation and crackdown.

The officials stated that they will continue to strengthen the review, continuously conduct content inspection and investigation and cleaning, increase the intensity of manual review, and continue to promote the crackdown special project with relevant departments, welcome the supervision of the vast number of media and users.

If any illegal content related to giving away children is found, you can enter the Mine page of the post bar and conduct feedback and reporting through the Service Center below.
