Python Upgrade Leads to App Rejections on Apple AppStore

TapTechNews, Jun 28th, it was reported by the tech media Lwn that after developers upgraded the Python version from 3.11 to 3.12, some Apps written in Python language were rejected by the Apple AppStore.

Python Upgrade Leads to App Rejections on Apple AppStore_0

Among them, the key is that after developers upgrade to Python 3.12, some Apps will contain the string 'itms-services', and the Apple Mac AppStore will automatically reject Apps that contain this string.

Apple clearly states in the Mac AppStore application policy that all the Apps listed need to go through sandboxed treatment, and sandboxed software prohibits the use of URLs with the itms-services scheme.

TapTechNews learned from the report that this string is located in the urllib parser in the Python standard library, but the developed Ap may never actually use the itms-services processor.

After the developer EricFroemling submitted the App and was rejected, he learned through the appeal that and parse.pyc in the App were non-compliant files and finally identified the cause of the problem.

After discussions by developers, Python plans to add a build option named '--with-app-store-compliance' in version 3.13 to solve this review problem in the Apple App Store.
