Microsoft Edge to Introduce AI Theme Generator to Create Unique Browser Themes

TapTechNews May 13th news, Microsoft has been adding various artificial intelligence features to the Edge browser. After adding powerful image editing tools and the ability to adjust browser settings using artificial intelligence, Edge is now introducing a new interesting feature to help users create unique browser themes.

According to the Microsoft 365 roadmap, Microsoft plans to add an AI theme generator to the Edge browser. This feature allows users to input text descriptions, and then AI will generate a series of images for users to preview and set as browser themes. After applying the theme, the generated images will be set as the background of Edge's new tab page, and the color of the browser frame will also match the main color of the images.

To meet the needs of enterprise office, administrators can choose to disable this feature. But if you are using Edge browser on a personal computer, you will soon be able to let Edge use AI to generate unique themes through text descriptions.

This feature is not officially launched yet, but the waiting time will not be too long. TapTechNews noticed that the roadmap shows Microsoft plans to launch this feature in June 2024, and it is likely to be added to the test branch of Edge about a week before the official release. Considering that Microsoft already has the powerful Designer AI image generator, the theme generator introduced this time may achieve stunning effects with the help of existing tools.
