Apple Watch SE Next Gen to Use Plastic Instead of Aluminum

TapTechNews August 6th news, Mark Gurman of Bloomberg stated again in the latest issue of the PowerOn newsletter that the next-generation Apple Watch SE smartwatch will no longer use aluminum material but switch to hard plastic material.

Apple Watch SE Next Gen to Use Plastic Instead of Aluminum_0

TapTechNews reported on July 7th this year that Gurman believes Apple will make significant adjustments to the next-generation Apple Watch SE smartwatch and use plastic material to build the case.

The source believes that Apple's Apple Watch SE switching to plastic material has the following benefits:

Can reduce costs: Attract more parents to choose Apple Watch SE for their children.

Can provide more abundant colors: Apple once launched the iPhone 5c phone with plastic material, providing bright blue, yellow, pink and green colors.

More significantly distinguish the Apple Watch product lineup: Apple can more significantly distinguish SE from the existing Apple Watch.

Apple also launched a new page on July 11th, strongly promoting Apple Watch SE2 to the children's group, listing about 12 reasons to explain how Apple Watch is perfectly suitable for the children's user group.
