Suspicion of AI-generated Work in Sichuan Photographers Association Competition

TapTechNews July 31st news, according to the Metro Daily of South China report, recently many netizens reported that in the Seeking 'Green' quarterly competition of the Sichuan Photographers Association website, the third-prize-winning work It is suspected to be AI-generated.

And today, the staff involved in organizing the competition said in an interview that the questioned work has had its winning qualification cancelled. Coincidentally, the official WeChat public account of the Sichuan Photographers Association has also removed this work. TapTechNews attaches the picture of this work:

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The Layers of Mountains, which was involved in the AI-generated controversy, was originally a third-prize work. Some people questioned that it is too neat and may not be real.

Before this, on July 28th, in the WeChat public account article of the Sichuan Photographers Association, the following comment appeared in the comment area and was in the top position:

Dear photographer friends! After the release of the results of this event, there have been many controversies on the third-prize work Layers of Mountains on the Internet. The event organizing committee attaches great importance to it. After investigation and research, now it is decided to cancel its winning qualification. Thank you for your concern and attention. We will continuously optimize the event review process and present more excellent works to everyone.

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