Clean and Clear Special Operation for Minor Network Environment Rectification in China

TapTechNews July 13th news, according to the Cyber China news, in order to effectively strengthen the network protection of minors and create a more healthy and safe network environment. Recently, the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission specifically issued a notice to deploy and carry out a two-month special operation of Clean and Clear - 2024 Summer Minor Network Environment Rectification across the country.

This special operation will focus on rectifying outstanding problems in six links, which TapTechNews sorts out as follows:

First, short-video and live-streaming platforms. Second packaging of classic animations or children's songs, concentrating on displaying violent and bloody content. Filming school bullying videos and entertaining school bullying behavior. Using internet-famous children to make profits, making fun of children to attract attention and draw traffic for miserable effects. Using methods such as plot radios and voice narrations to induce and胁迫 minors to participate in live-streaming变相.

Second, social platforms. Posting information that induces bad dating and引流 illegal websites on pages where minors share photos and make friends. Implementing cyber toilets and human flesh unpacking on minors. Maliciously creating cyber slang and vulgar buzzwords, spreading bad values to minors. Creating special topics, groups, etc., maliciously publishing counterattack strategies, maliciously P-pictures, inciting opposition between parents and children, teachers and students, etc.

Third, e-commerce platforms. Selling soft pornographic stationery, anime-related products to minors. Using child models to pose in inappropriate postures and make sexual suggestive actions, conducting bottomless marketing with the image of minors. Providing paid name-calling services, creating graphic and video services of making fun of classmates and schools. Under the name of selling anime dramas and video games,引流 minors to third-party platforms, illegally providing pornographic and violent resources.

Fourth, app stores. Using similar logo and name information to counterfeit apps that minors like and spread illegal and bad information. Through embedding illegal software or illegal马甲 packages, maliciously transforming into pornographic and gambling platforms. Learning and tool apps deviating from their main responsibilities, spreading borderline illegal information. Minority apps with attributes such as anonymity and encryption have problems such as online fraud and long-distance molestation.

Fifth, children's smart devices. The apps included in the device itself contain content that may affect the physical and mental health of minors. Not strictly reviewing and checking the information content provided by third-party apps, with bad-oriented content. Providing applications or functions that are not suitable for minors such as appearance PK and fortune-telling. Inducing minors to over-consume in the name of point ranking, function unlocking, background update, etc.

Sixth, the minor mode. Providing a false mode where there is no content or usability after users enter the minor mode. There are contents in the mode that induce minors to imitate unsafe behaviors and develop bad habits. The anti-escape measures in the mode are not complete, and it can be exited without verification. There are functions in the mode that induce minors to vote, boost rankings, and control reviews.

The responsible person of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission emphasized that a clear network environment is crucial to the healthy growth of minors. The local cyberspace affairs departments should, in accordance with the notice requirements, carefully deploy, meticulously organize, and solidly promote, and implement the special rectification tasks. It is necessary to closely pay attention to the new characteristics and manifestations of minor-related issues, and maintain a high-pressure situation for all kinds of violations, dealing strictly with the violating platforms, accounts, and related MCN institutions. It is necessary to compact the main responsibility of the platform and improve the minor network protection mechanism of the platform to jointly maintain a good network ecology.
