Long-existing child trading problem in Baidu Tieba

TapTechNews May 28th news, today, the anti-trafficking volunteer @Shangguan Zhengyi posted on Weibo that in Baidu Tieba, there has long been public trading of children in the name of adoption (booking children), and there are also intermediaries selling birth certificates here to look for customers and provide services to whiten the identities for trading children.

Judging from the evidence he listed, the price of the child has also been publicly marked here as $30,000 (about 200,000 Chinese yuan); mainly by opening Tieba, commenting, through homophones, letter substitutions, code words, etc.; there are also those who directly publicly post adoption, adoption, handling of birth certificates, etc. Shangguan Zhengyi said that he had reported to the Baidu official, but did not get a response.

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TapTechNews noticed that @Baidu Tieba customer service responded under this post: Your feedback is highly valued by Baidu Tieba. After verification, the illegal elements post illegal and compliant information through metaphors, code names, abbreviations, etc. At present, the relevant content and users have been cleared and banned. Baidu Tieba firmly resists and cracks down on any bad illegal behaviors, and will continue to conduct content inspections and investigations and clean-ups in the future, increase the intensity of manual review, and establish a special crackdown with relevant departments. Welcome the supervision of the vast number of media and users.

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For the response of Baidu Tieba customer service, @Shangguan Zhengyi said: It can't be just cleared and banned; this is an illegal and criminal act, evidence should be preserved and handed over to the relevant departments for crackdown and processing!

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