Japanese Automakers' Cheating Scandals 5 Companies Under Investigation

TapTechNews June 3rd news, according to Japanese media Yomiuri, on June 3rd, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan released the news. In view of the successive violations in the process of obtaining the type certification required for mass production of automobiles and engines by companies such as Japan's Daihatsu Industrial Co., Ltd., the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism instructed a total of 85 automobile production companies to investigate whether there are similar situations. As of the end of May, a total of 5 companies including Toyota Motor, Mazda, Yamaha Motor, Honda Research Institute and Suzuki have committed fraud in vehicle performance tests, etc. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism will investigate these 5 companies according to the Road Transport Vehicles Act.

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TapTechNews attached the number of counterfeit models of the 5 automakers as follows:

Toyota Motor: 7 models

Mazda: 5 models

Yamaha Motor: 3 models

Honda Motor: 22 models

Suzuki Motor: 1 model

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism said that it has instructed companies such as Toyota, Mazda and Yamaha Motor to suspend the delivery of some automobiles and motorcycles that are being produced and require the relevant companies to make detailed explanations to consumers. In the future, in combination with on-site inspections and relevant results, it will be dealt with seriously based on relevant regulations.

In addition to the above 5 automakers, the remaining 64 companies reported that no fraud was found, and 16 companies reported that no fraud was found as of the end of May.
