Nanjing Deals with Second-hand Air Conditioner 'Refurbishment' Issue

TapTechNews June 3rd news, the Nanjing Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau today released an announcement to respond to the incident of refurbishment fraud of second-hand air conditioners exposed by the Finance and Economics Investigation column of CCTV.

TapTechNews attaches the original text of the announcement as follows:

On the preliminary investigation and disposal situation of the refurbishment trickery of second-hand air conditioners in our city reported by the Finance and Economics Investigation column of CCTV.

After the Finance and Economics Investigation column of CCTV reported the situation of irregular refurbishment of second-hand air conditioners by some business operators in Nanjing on the evening of June 2nd, the market supervision, commerce, public security and other departments at the city and district levels and the local area conducted on-site inspections overnight. In view of the illegal and non-compliant behaviors of the second-hand air conditioner business operators in the relevant areas and the used goods market, the relevant departments and the local area have taken law enforcement measures such as fixing evidence, sealing for verification, and filing cases for investigation and handling. In the next step, the relevant departments will conduct a comprehensive investigation and special rectification on second-hand air conditioner operators in the whole city, and severely crack down on illegal and non-compliant behaviors to regulate the business order of the second-hand air conditioner market. The relevant investigation and handling situations will be promptly announced to the public, and the general public is also welcome to supervise and provide relevant clues through channels such as 12315.

Nanjing Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau

June 3rd, 2024

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According to the CCTV report on June 2nd, on both sides of Ningwu Highway in Yuhuatai District, Nanjing, there are hundreds of stores engaged in the recycling and reuse of second-hand household appliances, and more than half of them specialize in the refurbishment of second-hand air conditioners. The reporter of the central station found that merchants can bleach the yellowish old air conditioners to look like new machines by using various chemical cleaners.

Merchants told reporters that in addition to the time factor, the yellowing of the machine is also due to the material. For example, Midea, the material is not good and is particularly prone to yellowing. And in order to bleach, insiders disclosed that among the most effective de-yellowing agents, there is a large amount of the carcinogen titanium dioxide. Another cleaning agent, Dichen, is very irritating, and in severe cases it may cause symptoms such as restlessness, convulsions, and coma.

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