BLG Triumphs in the First Game of 2024 League of Legends World Championship

TapTechNews October 3rd news, in the just-ended first game of the main stage of the 2024 League of Legends World Championship, the BLG team successfully defeated the MDK team from the LEC in the first game of the first round of the Swiss Round, which also means that the LPL has achieved a good start in the World Championship.

BLG Triumphs in the First Game of 2024 League of Legends World Championship_0

BLG Triumphs in the First Game of 2024 League of Legends World Championship_1

TapTechNews attached event brief introduction:

【Hero Bans and Picks】

BLG banned: Leopards; Jinx; Ashe; Rell; Poppy

BLG picked: Bin Nasus; Wei Vi; knight Ahri; ELK Kassadin; ON Rell

MDK banned: Bomberman; Alora; Ezreal; Jin; Lucian

MDK picked: Myrwn Qiyana; Eloya Skarner; Fresskowy Syndra; Supa Tristana; Alvaro Alistar

【Quick Game Report of This Game】

At 13 minutes, BLG resolutely initiated a team fight in the middle lane, Elk Kassadin made an extreme operation and got a double kill, and BLG cooperated tacitly and got a one-for-four team fight.;

At 16 minutes, three players from MDK surrounded Bin Nasus in the bottom lane, but BLG flexibly used the vanguard to push down the opponent's first middle lane tower;

At 23 minutes, a fierce team fight broke out in the middle lane. BLG resolutely attacked and successfully wiped out the opponent, and knight Ahri got a double kill;

At 26 minutes, BLG continued to advance, and in front of the inhibitor towers, MDK made a desperate move to initiate a team fight. BLG completed a one-for-three in the team fight and then pushed down the opponent's base and won the first game of the 2024 World Championship. The MVP of this game is given to BLG mid laner knight's Ahri.
