Baichuan Intelligence Releases Baichuan4 and Launches AI Assistant

TapTechNews May 22nd news, today Baichuan Intelligence released the latest generation of the base large model Baichuan4, and launched the first AI assistant Baixiaoying after its establishment.

According to the official introduction, Baichuan4 has a great improvement in various abilities compared to Baichuan3, among which the general ability is increased by more than 10%, and the mathematical and code abilities are increased by 14% and 9% respectively. In the evaluation of the domestic authoritative large model evaluation agency SuperCLUE, the model ability ranks first in the country.

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In addition, the official also said that Baichuan4 also has multimodal capabilities and performs excellently on various evaluation benchmarks, leading multimodal models such as GeminiPro and Claude3-sonnet.

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Based on the powerful ability of Baichuan4, Baichuan Intelligence deeply integrates search technology with the large model and launches the AI assistant Baixiaoying that understands search and can ask questions.

According to the introduction, Baixiaoying can not only answer various questions raised by users at any time, speed-read files, organize materials, assist in creation, etc., but also has search capabilities such as multi-round search and directional search, which can understand the user's search needs more accurately and provide users with professional and rich knowledge and resources. In addition, it will also help users clarify their own needs through a series of questions based on the user's questions and give more accurate answers. Baixiaoying is now simultaneously launched on the Web side ( and in various application stores on the mobile side.

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In addition, TapTechNews noticed that Baichuan Intelligence also announced the opening of four APIs such as Baichuan4, Baichuan3-Turbo, Baichuan3-Turbo-128k, and AssistantAPI. All developers and enterprise users can log in to the Baic huan Intelligence Developer Center to select and access the corresponding API to conveniently and efficiently experience the powerful capabilities of Baichuan Intelligence's new generation of models. (Developer Experience Center:
