Jinko Solar's Breakthrough in Perovskite Tandem Cells

TapTechNews May 30th news, TapTechNews learned from the official WeChat public account of Jinko Solar that the company announced today that the company has made a major breakthrough in the research and development of perovskite tandem cells based on N-type TOPCon. Tested by the Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, its conversion efficiency reached 33.24%, which significantly improved the previous highest conversion efficiency of 32.33% of the similar tandem cells maintained by Jinko Solar, and achieved the achievement of breaking the world record of photovoltaic product efficiency and power for a cumulative 26 times.

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The company said that the perovskite tandem cells that broke the record this time used its independently developed N-type high-efficiency single-crystalline passivated contact TOPCon battery as the bottom battery. Through multiple material technology innovations such as ultra-thin poly passivated contact technology, new textured light-trapping technology, high light transmittance, high carrier mobility intermediate composite layer material technology, perovskite interface hybrid material passivation improvement technology, etc., the conversion efficiency of perovskite/TOPCon tandem cells was once again achieved a breakthrough.

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Jinko Solar said that this breakthrough result once again proves the excellent performance of TOPCon as the mainstream solar cell technology, and also shows its perfect fusion ability with the next-generation perovskite tandem cell technology, which means that Jinko Solar has once again broken the efficiency limit of single-crystalline silicon battery and opened up new possibilities for the future development of the solar energy field. (1 meter = 3.28 feet, 1 square meter = 10.76 square feet).
