WPS Announces Windows 64-bit Version Internal Testing

TapTechNews May 30th news, WPS announced in its official community to start the internal testing of the Windows 64-bit version. The new version has improved performance and supports touch screens.

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According to the feedback from other users in the community, the 64-bit version has a significant improvement in opening file speed, while there are still some problems with this version, such as the inability to view OFD files and occasional freezes. The official response is that these problems are currently being resolved.

Because the 64-bit version is not compatible with 32-bit plug-in programs, in order to be compatible with the early 32-bit ecosystem, the official disclosed that the 32-bit WPS and the 64-bit WPS will be released and updated simultaneously for a long time.

The download address for the 64-bit version internal testing: Click here to enter (TapTechNews reminds: The experience version is unstable. During the experience process, please save and backup files at any time).

In addition, the 64-bit version of the WPS macro editor adds the ability of cross-component data interoperability, and also fixes the display problem of the WPS macro editor on high-resolution monitors and the problem of form controls.

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