GameStop's GameInformer to Cease Publication After 33 Years

TapTechNews August 3rd news, GameInformer, a publication under GameStop, announced on Friday that after 33 years of development, it's time to say goodbye to everyone.

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GameStops GameInformer to Cease Publication After 33 Years_1

TapTechNews note: GameInformer was founded in August 1991, and GameStop took over GameInformer when it acquired FuncoLand in 2000, and it is one of the oldest video game magazines in the world.

The magazine is a monthly electronic game magazine in the US, and its content includes featured reports, game news, game strategies and reviews.

Before announcing the suspension of publication, GameInformer explored the launch of a direct subscription method in March this year (previously it was to buy the magazine by itself or subscribe through GameStopPro), hoping to get out of the operating dilemma.

In the official statement, the reason for the suspension and closure was not mentioned, and GameStop did not respond to a request for comment.

Kotaku, a game media, reported that all employees of the GameInformer publication would be laid off, and also disclosed an internal email. Ryan Cohen, the CEO and chairman of GameStop, told employees last year that every expense of the company must be carefully examined under a microscope to eliminate all waste.
