AI Robot Completes First Dental Surgery with High Speed and Precision

TapTechNews August 3rd news, a historic moment has arrived in the dental industry as an AI-controlled automated robot has completed the world's first dental surgery, and it is about eight times faster than a human dentist.

AI Robot Completes First Dental Surgery with High Speed and Precision_0

The AI robot is manufactured by Boston-based company Perceptive and uses a hand-held three-dimensional volumetric scanner to create detailed three-dimensional models of the oral cavity through optical coherence tomography (OCT), including teeth, gums, and even nerves beneath the tooth surface.

OCT only uses a light beam to build a volumetric model with high resolution and can automatically detect cavities with an accuracy rate of approximately 90%, while avoiding harmful X-ray radiation.

The first surgery completed by the AI robot is crown preparation of the teeth: local anesthesia will be administered to help anesthetize your teeth and the surrounding gums for optimal comfort, and then the original teeth will be trimmed to make enough space for the crown while maintaining the integrity of the tooth structure.

The above operation usually takes 1-2 hours for a dental doctor and is usually divided into 2 visits, while the AI robot can complete it in less than 15 minutes. TapTechNews attaches the following partial video of the operation, which may cause discomfort, please click and watch with caution:
