NetEase Tianyin Open to All NetEase Cloud Music Users, with AI Music Features

On May 20th, TapTechNews reported that the NetEase Tianyin platform is now open to all users of NetEase Cloud Music.

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NetEase Cloud Music App simultaneously launched the Magic Gift Shop activity, and users can generate the AI music keyword by participating in the activity, which can be used when creating with AI on the NetEase Tianyin official website.

The official website also provides music theory knowledge learning, divided into beginner and advanced sections, including composition, lyric writing and other contents, and there are also answers to common problems in the field of music.

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Currently, NetEase Tianyin is in the Beta version stage. TapTechNews learned from the NetEase Tianyin official website that NetEase Tianyin is a one-stop AI music creation tool under NetEase Cloud Music and has AI creation assistance functions for the entire process of music creation such as lyrics, music, arrangement, singing, and mixing.

In January 2022, the NetEase Tianyin completed the launch of the mini program. In the mini program, by entering the blessing recipient and blessing message, the lyrics, music, and arrangement can be done in 10 seconds to customize a New Year greeting song. The song can be sung by AI singers such as He Chang, Chen Shuiruo, Chen Ziyu, etc. within the Xiaobing framework and sent to the New Year greeting recipient.

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