Bungie Wins Lawsuit Against Cheat Provider in Destiny 2

TapTechNews May 27th news, according to foreign media Insider-gaming report, due to the prevalence of cheats in the game Destiny 2, the game developer Bungie has sued the cheat provider PhoenixDigital in court on the grounds of 'violating the terms of service'.

It is reported that this case only lasted for a few days and then ended. The jury ruled in favor of Bungie and ordered PhoenixDigital to pay a compensation of 63,000 US dollars (TapTechNews note: currently about 457,000 RMB).

 Bungie Wins Lawsuit Against Cheat Provider in Destiny 2_0

Bungie said that the company has spent millions of dollars in Destiny 2 to fight against various cheat providers. Now the 63,000 US dollars paid by PhoenixDigital is more of a'symbolic meaning', and 'it's nothing' compared to the millions of dollars spent on anti-cheat measures.

However, PhoenixDigital said it will file an appeal on the grounds that Bungie 'illegally accessed their computer system', but considering that the Destiny 2 service terms state that 'Bungie has the right to use certain methods to detect whether you are using cheat software', so foreign media believe that PhoenixDigital cannot successfully appeal.
