
The Dispute between Arm and Qualcomm over Snapdragon X Processor

The legal dispute between Arm and Qualcomm regarding the Snapdragon X processor, with challenges and possible outcomes. 145 characters.

Baidu and ByteDance Have Multiple Legal Disputes

Baidu and ByteDance have had several legal disputes. This article covers the latest one and previous cases.

Mott Iron Group's Response to JD 618 Event Dispute

The dispute between Mott Iron Group and JD during the JD 618 event, and the measures and responses from both sides, involving many well-known book series.

Avita Owners' Dispute over Car Purchase Subsidy in Chengdu

Some Avita car owners in Chengdu can't get the subsidy due to inconsistent invoice, with no response from Avita yet.

Xiaomi Air Conditioner Installation Dispute

A blogger reported problems with Xiaomi air conditioner installation and the response from Xiaomi and the ongoing dispute. Less than 150 characters.