Tongji University Releases World's First Intelligent Connected Vehicle Cloud-Controlled Evaluation System

TapTechNews July 20th news, Tongji University announced today that based on the intelligent connected vehicle test and evaluation base authorized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China, its independently developed Intelligent Connected Vehicle Cloud-Controlled Fully Autonomous Evaluation System was officially released.

Tongji University Releases Worlds First Intelligent Connected Vehicle Cloud-Controlled Evaluation System_0

This is the world's first intelligent connected vehicle cloud-controlled multi-traffic participant evaluation system, dedicated to creating the industry's first closed test site with continuous dynamic scene urban NOA test capability, to meet the safety verification requirements of advanced autonomous driving vehicle scenarios with dynamic continuity, mixed traffic participants, and diversified test functions.

According to Tongji University, it has achieved three breakthroughs of from rule-driven to learning-generated in test scenarios, from decentralized control to swarm confrontation in traffic participants, and from binary fragmentation to multi-level progression in evaluation methods, forming a representative original cross-result, which is another vivid practice of Tongji University empowering scientific research with artificial intelligence.

TapTechNews learned through the official that this evaluation system includes two platforms such as the cloud digital twin and the simulated traffic participants, as well as three key technologies such as the automatic generation of dangerous scenarios, the collaborative planning of multiple traffic participants and the high-precision motion control at the vehicle end, to realize a real vehicle site complex traffic test environment with continuous dynamic traffic flow, mixed and diverse traffic participants, flexible adjustment of working conditions settings, and active generation of conflict and confrontation scenarios, to meet the safety verification requirements of advanced autonomous driving vehicles.

Tongji University pointed out that this evaluation system benchmarks against the world's top intelligent vehicle test sites such as Mcity in the US and AstaZero in Sweden, and takes the lead in realizing the real vehicle site test application of large-scale complex dynamic scenarios of traffic participants.

