Reelin Protein A Potential Key in Treating Alzheimer's and Aging Diseases

TapTechNews August 3rd news, scientists say that more and more evidence shows that the Reelin protein plays the role of a 'protective factor' in the brain, which can protect the brain organ and curb the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and other aging diseases.

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Three studies published last year all showed that the protein Reelin helps maintain thinking and memory in diseased brains, but the specific mode of action is still uncertain. These studies also showed that when the Reelin level drops, neurons become more vulnerable.

Reelin is a large secreted extracellular matrix glycoprotein composed of 3641 amino acid residues, and the human RELN gene is located on chromosome 7.

SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis shows that Reelin has 410 kDa, 330 kDa, 180 kDa, and several low molecular weight bands.

Reelin contains a signal peptide sequence, followed by an N-terminal sequence, a hinge region, and eight amino acid repeat sequences, ending with a highly alkaline C-terminal sequence.

Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and director of the Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, Li-Huei Tsai said: I think we have found an important way to treat Alzheimer's disease.

This research inspires people to strive to develop a drug to enhance Reelin to help it function better, thereby avoiding cognitive decline.

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