Can Drinking Green Tea Resist Computer Radiation? Science Says No

TapTechNews August 5th news, in response to the online rumor that drinking green tea can resist computer radiation, the Science Rumor Refuting public account has denied it.

Science Rumor Refuting explained: Drinking green tea cannot resist computer radiation. This statement lacks scientific basis and is highly misleading. Green tea does indeed contain rich antioxidant substances such as catechins, and these components have many benefits for human health, such as enhancing immunity, slowing aging, and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. However, antioxidants cannot block or weaken the impact of computer radiation on the human body.

Can Drinking Green Tea Resist Computer Radiation? Science Says No_0

Science Rumor Refuting further added: Computer radiation mainly refers to electromagnetic radiation, which is impossible to completely avoid in daily life, but its intensity is usually very low, and the harm to the human body is also very small. In order to reduce the impact on health from long-term use of the computer, a more practical and effective method is to take some preventive measures. For example, keep an appropriate distance from the screen, use an anti-radiation screen, take regular breaks for the eyes and body, and maintain a good working posture.

TapTechNews note: The Science Rumor Refuting public account is sponsored by ministries and commissions such as the China Association for Science and Technology, the National Health Commission, the Ministry of Emergency Management, and the State Administration for Market Regulation, guided by the Cyberspace Administration of China, and jointly built by national societies, authoritative media, social institutions, and scientific and technological workers.
