China's Digital Publishing Industry Report 2023-2024 Growth and Developments

TapTechNews September 21 news, at the 14th China International Digital Publishing Expo held in Haikou City, Hainan Province, the Chinese Academy of Press and Publication released the 2023-2024 Annual Report on China's Digital Publishing Industry (hereinafter referred to as the report by TapTechNews).

The report shows that in 2023, the overall scale of China's digital publishing industry continued to grow, reaching 1.617968 trillion yuan for the whole year, an increase of 19.08% year-on-year. Among them, Internet advertising, online games, online education, and digital music still ranked in the top 4 positions in terms of income.

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Income from Internet periodicals reached 3.489 billion yuan, e-books reached 7.3 billion yuan, digital newspapers (excluding mobile newspapers) reached 600 million yuan, blog applications reached 12.5 billion yuan, online comics reached 36.403 billion yuan, mobile publishing (only including mobile reading) reached 56.702 billion yuan, online games reached 302.964 billion yuan, online education reached 288.2 billion yuan, Internet advertising reached 719.06 billion yuan, and digital music (including online music, short music videos, music live broadcasts, and online karaoke business) reached 190.75 billion yuan.

The official said that the total income of Internet periodicals, e-books, and digital newspapers in 2023 was 11.389 billion yuan, compared with 10.491 billion yuan in 2022, an increase of 8.56%. Compared with the increase of 3.7% in 2022, the growth was obvious.

In 2023, the scale of online literature continued to expand. By the end of last year, the number of readers of online literature in China reached 537 million people, the highest level in history; the total number of online literature works exceeded 36 million, of which about 2 million new works were added annually; the creative team of Chinese online literature further expanded, with more than 24 million.

The official pointed out: Online literature has become an important carrier to carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture. National trend has become the annual creative trend and is integrated into different theme types.

In addition, the theme of science fiction in technology and science has continuously achieved innovative breakthroughs. There were about 250,000 new works of science fiction themes added throughout the year, an increase of 15% year-on-year. The total number of authorized adaptations of online literature into film and television dramas exceeded 3,000, and the total number of authorized adaptations into animations exceeded 5,000. At the same time, short dramas have become a new direction for the adaptation of online literature IP and have also become a new track for many online literature enterprises to layout. In that year, about 800 new micro-drama adaptation authorizations were added, an increase of 46% year-on-year.

In 2023, the overseas market scale of online literature exceeded 4 billion yuan, and the number of overseas active users was nearly 200 million, covering more than 200 countries and regions. Among them, the Generation Z became the main audience group, accounting for 80%. Multiple overseas online literature App products have a daily active user of more than 100,000, and some exceed one million.

The overseas sales revenue of self-developed online games in China was 16.366 billion US dollars, maintaining a good momentum of exceeding 100 billion RMB for four consecutive years. In addition, e-sports has entered the fast lane of going overseas. In 2023, e-sports became an official competition event of the Asian Games for the first time, creating a g ood opportunity for China's e-sports to participate in international exchanges. Chinese game enterprises actively participated and actively integrated into the global trend of e-sports.

In terms of administrative protection, the Sword Net 2023 special action carried out special rectifications in key fields such as sports events, on-demand cinemas, cultural and museum文创, online videos, online news, and audio books, etc. A total of 2.44 million infringing and pirated links were deleted, and 2,390 infringing and pirated websites (APPS) were closed, and 1,513 cases of online infringement were investigated and dealt with.
