iPhone 15 Series' Market Share in US iPhone Sales and Trends

TapTechNews July 18th news, according to the latest report released by the market research organization CIRP, the proportion of iPhone 15 series models in the total iPhone sales in the US in the second quarter of 2024 is 67%, which is also 1 percentage point lower than that in the first quarter.

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In the first quarter of 2024, the proportion of iPhone 15 series models in the total iPhone sales in the US is 68%, compared with that of the iPhone 14 series (75%) in the same period last year, it has decreased by 7 percentage points.

And in the second quarter of 2023, the proportion of the iPhone 14 series models in the total iPhone sales in the US is 79%, meaning that the proportion of the iPhone 15 series models is 12 percentage points lower, indicating that the enthusiasm of US iPhone users to upgrade to the 15 series has begun to decline.

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According to the breakdown data, as the iterative speed of hardware updates accelerates, consumers' high-priced consumption on the latest and best iPhones is decreasing.

TapTechNews conducted a survey on upgrade selection after the release of the iPhone 15 series last September, and the results are as follows:

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